Old Mill North Middle

Select Activity
Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
A3333-VAR26 8th Grade Donations Donations would be used to help offset the cost of the New York Field Trip and for End of Year Activities. :Old Mill North Middle VARIABLE Sharer,Toni N/A N/A N/A $0.00
A3333-VAR5 Chromebook Damage Costs Pay invoiced Chromebook damage/replacement costs. :Old Mill North Middle VARIABLE Olds,Kimberly N/A N/A N/A $0.00
A3333-VAR24 Donations - Instrumental Music Donations to help with costs for Instrumental Music classes, shows, buses, meals, music, instrument repairs, etc. :Old Mill North Middle VARIABLE Jason,Welsh All N/A N/A $0.00
A3333-VAR6 Donations for School If you would like to make donations for a specific purpose please put it in the description, otherwise your donations will be used for general school needs. :Old Mill North Middle VARIABLE Handler,Wendy N/A N/A N/A $0.00
A3333-VAR25 Instrumental Music Program Ad Sales Ad sales for Instrumental Music Programs :Old Mill North Middle VARIABLE Jason,Welsh N/A N/A N/A $0.00
A3333-VAR13 Lost and Damaged Instruments Lost and Damaged Instruments :Old Mill North Middle VARIABLE Jason,Welsh N/A N/A N/A $0.00
A3333-VAR8 Lost and Damaged Textbooks/Novels Lost and Damaged Textbooks/Novels :Old Mill North Middle VARIABLE Handler,Wendy N/A N/A N/A $0.00
A3333-VAR7 Lost Media Books Lost Media Books :Old Mill North Middle VARIABLE Haislip,Tonia N/A N/A N/A $0.00
A3333-2 National Junior Honor Society Membership Dues :Old Mill North Middle FIXED Sharer,Toni N/A N/A N/A $15.00
A3333-52 NYC The Outsiders - Jacobs Theater: 2/20/25 - Ranaghan 8th grade field trip to New York to see The Outsiders on Broadway. Price includes ticket and bus. :Old Mill North Middle FIXED Ranaghan,Andrea 8 N/A N/A $120.00
A3333-53 NYC The Outsiders - Jacobs Theater: 2/20/25 - Sharer 8th Grade Field Trip to New York to see The Outsiders on Broadway. Price includes the ticket and the bus. :Old Mill North Middle FIXED Sharer,Toni 8 N/A N/A $120.00
A3333-54 NYC The Outsiders - Jacobs Theater: 2/26/25 Burrell 8th Grade Field Trip to New York to see The Outsiders on Broadway. Price includes the ticket and the bus. :Annapolis Elementary FIXED Burrell,Jordyn 8 N/A N/A $120.00
A3333-VAR9 Teacher Appreciation Donations Donations will go towards Teacher only events. Including awards, food, beverage, etc. Money will be used at Principals discretion for Teachers. :Annapolis Elementary VARIABLE Baker,Megan N/A N/A N/A $0.00
A3333-51 Winterfest - Fundraiser for Instructional Music Funds will help pay for instruments, supplies, music, field trips, meals before concerts, guest clinicians and instrument repairs. :Annapolis Elementary FIXED Jason,Welsh N/A N/A N/A $5.00
A3333-VAR27 Zumba Night - Instrumental Music Fundraiser Fundraiser to help cover the cost of instruments, supplies, music, field trips, meals before concerts. :Annapolis Elementary VARIABLE Jason,Welsh N/A N/A N/A $0.00
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